Monday 30 January 2017

Are You Happy Now Trump?

You, Mr. Trump are killing people. And yes the onus is on you because of everything you stand for, all the atrocious, dehumanizing. scapegoating that you both exhibit and condone. You are making the world HATE again. Violence and hate breed violence and hate and what happened on Sunday, January 29th in Quebec City is just the example to prove this to you. 

There was a shooting in a Mosque during evening prayers. Six people are dead, and at least 18 others were injured, physically that is. You, Trump cannot even begin to understand the pain of no longer feeling safe within yourself, that your body, your identity, the very things that make you who you are, are a betrayal to your wellbeing. You have shown zero capacity to feel empathy but try, just for a minute to understand what it might feel like to no longer feel like your home of forty-two years accepts you, protects you. 

I felt all of these things (albeit with fewer years under my belt than the man in the video above) when you were elected. As a non-white female, I felt many of my rights being deeply threatened even living here in Canada. 

What transpired Sunday is yet another reminder of just how right I was to be afraid. 

Because "This is Canada!" I thought as my mind raced trying to process the news when I found out yesterday. "We believe in diversity, only select few can get access to guns. How could this happen, and how could this happen here?"

But I can tell you why, because of the ignorant, arrogant, hatred spewing from your mouth and the mouths of people like you.

Try for a moment to get into that kind of mindset. The person or people (the police are still investigating) responsible must have held so much disdain, and hatred within themselves, they must have been so filled with the belief that Muslims are sub-human to go through all the hoops to acquire a gun and then walk in on innocent unarmed people and Shoot. Them. Up. 

Nobody deserves to die because of what they believe, this is a foundational characteristic of the United States as a Country. To not allow this to apply to anything but ALL groups is hypocritical and disgusting. 

Let me make this very clear, because far too few understand this. Daesh (ISIS) was pleased when you were elected because your thoughtless, ignorant, alienation of an entire group of people is what radicalizes them. THIS is where the home-grown terrorists are bred, at at least five of the Paris Attack Perpetrators were French Citizens, they turned to terror because they were mistreated, as your attempt at an immigration ban is doing. They turned to terror because it was the only thing that would accept them for who they were. 

It was the only thing that would protect them, stand up for them, the only thing they had.

That is the sad, stark reality that you have helped craft. 

As described in this article, your racism and xenophobia legitimizes Daesh's campaign against you because you embody the wrongness that has infiltrated and brainwashed significant sections of the US public. It "'proves the US is at war with Islam". You are physically forcing people into the clutches of terrorist groups with this travel ban.

Can I really blame you, though, you ask, many of these people must have already felt this way somewhere deep down. Yes, I can, because even though it isn't, you have made this okay. 

To paraphrase Malala Yousafzai, a wise inspiring female Muslim, (neither of which you are very respectful of) the solution to terrorism is education, not discrimination. Hatred and destruction, inflicting pain on a group for the actions of a few, is not the way. When you do that, you are no better than a terrorist, because you incite violence and chaos, like what happened in Quebec on Sunday. You spark terrorism and that will only fuel a larger, more destructive fire.

We need to teach people to accept differences and look for similarities, to understand we're all in this together on this little blue dot. Teach people, young men especially, that violence is not the way. That is how you fight fire, not with fire, but peace.

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